Giglio Moroder Production
The engineering Giglio Moroder Production founded by his/her owner Ing. Joseph Giglio is a small Artisan firm that you/he/she has known how to create him in the time a niche of market in the world of show business producing with success a varied range of Special Effects. The constancy the tenacity the wish in to build to invent to mould the iron and the plate, the search of the materials over that to the study of new and innovative products you/they have allowed during 15 years to become a cornerstone point in the specific sector. Strongly of that Mades in Italy very copied and admired all over the world you/he/she has known how to consolidate footstep after footstep the quality and the range of the products, participating in the most important International Foreign Fairs and beginning to collaborate with the retailers of the whole world that today distribute my Product. To the beginning I have had to pay the customs to have been for first to face the Fairs with a very narrow and unknown range of products, but after sometime my product and is recognized by everybody and appreciated. Today in a moment of Deep world economic crisis we find us in front of unexpected difficulty and to problems that our sector torments, and in these moments that it needs to have the courage of go throwing on himself/herself/itself on the sleeves and reducing the costs and also the earningses to keep on believing in the undertaken road. When you have a thought that beats you in head or you wants to purchase a product that works and that I/you/he/she guarantee the real performances declared on the paper or written in Internet, you try to ask for a test of test near my firm and you will see of person the desired article to work live without any deception or makeups or false promises. I was there, I am there and there will be forever. First him he becomes second him he remains for ever.
  Ing. Giuseppe Giglio